4 Reasons Lashes and Brows Continue to Trend Up
4 Reasons Lashes and Brows Continue to Trend Up

Dr. Scott Wasserman, CEO of Cosmetic Alchemy and the maker of LiLash and LiBrow conditioning serums for lashes and brows, says that the focus on these features will only increase as we move into 2020. The reason women want to have a full fringe or a bold brow is, Dr. Wasserman, in our nature.  And the numbers support this. According to The 2020 MINDBODY Wellness Index, lash services are in high demand and both men and women say the 'eyes' (and brows) have it. 

Dr. Wasserman shares his take on what we can expect to see in the near future for lashes and brows:

“It’s going to be all natural beauty, all decade long.” 

Starting with the most popular trends, we have to look at treatments that embrace natural, thicker brows. People have always wanted to look more youthful, it's in our nature, and up until recently, more natural treatments weren't seen as a way to create that look. Now, popular trends embrace natural hair and more luscious hair in general. This includes having full brows, longer lashes and longer hair. Another trend we’ll continue to see across all beauty categories is ‘semi-permanent solutions.’ These trends include lash extensions, microblading and conditioning serums like LiLash and LiBrow. Consumers want something that is going to last longer and are moving away from a daily routine of putting on a face that they take off each night and semi-permanent treatments are a new way to accomplish that.

“The emergence of lash and brow services evolved over recent years.”

In the last few years, we saw the culture within the beauty world make a shift towards services that hop on the natural beauty train. New services focus on conditioning for a gorgeous look without any heavy additions needed. Last decade, the beauty industry as a whole has made an important shift from using makeup and products that cover and hide, to choosing services and products (like LiLash and LiBrow) that enhance what you’ve already got! 

 “It’s only going to get more popular.”

The popularity of lash and brow services is coming from focusing on everyone's innate beauty and finding easy ways to enhance those areas. The recent popularity we are seeing in these special services is all about people learning to enhance what they have, and not cover up what we want to hide. As more and more consumers jump on this trend, it's becoming more mainstream to give yourself these luxurious beneficial treatments that last longer and feel better. 

“Expect more transparency than ever.”

Transparency is the key. Products like LiLash and LiBrow that truly work have nothing to hide, which is perfect for this generation of consumers who want to know more than ever what really goes into the cosmetics they put on their face. In that same regard, consumers love to see real results - they became too accustomed to airbrushed models that have never actually used the products and started distrusting brands. That is why we focus so hard on real users and real results with our LiLoves, who are real women across the globe that actually use (and love) the serums. Expect to see focus on transparency across the board this decade and brands letting their products speak for themselves - #LiLashWorks!

Learn more at https://www.lilash.com/collections/all

4 Reasons Lashes and Brows Continue to Trend Up
4 Reasons Lashes and Brows Continue to Trend Up



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