Sometimes the Answer Is a Quick Toner/Gloss Appointment
Sometimes the Answer Is a Quick Toner/Gloss Appointment

HAIR BY Bianca (@biancahdrs)

When Chicagoland hair artists Bianca (@biancahdrs) challenged her friends and followers to guess her secret ingredient for an ashy ‘sauce’ on a level 5-6-7, the response was revealed as…

1 N | 1/0.

“Sometimes the answer to all of your prayers is a quick toner/gloss appointment!” Bianca says. “I used a chocolate chip of 1N or 1/0 mixed with clear and/or a level 7 or lighter violet toner as the violet will not do much to a level 7 and darker but will appear translucent. Why? Because there is very little, to no yellow, in a level 7 and definitely no yellow in a 5 or 6.

“1N and 1/0 have THE most amount of blue in its making therefore, giving that extra push of ash!

“Again, it will only work –VERY IMPORTANT—on hair that has pre-lightened to orange. If yellow, you will now get green hair! Why? Because 💙+ 💛= ?????”

Green!  The color of the money you’ll make when using these color wheel basics.  Thanks, Bianca!



Sometimes the Answer Is a Quick Toner/Gloss Appointment
Sometimes the Answer Is a Quick Toner/Gloss Appointment

BEAUTIFUL "AFTER" : HAIR BY Bianca (@biancahdrs)

Sometimes the Answer Is a Quick Toner/Gloss Appointment
Sometimes the Answer Is a Quick Toner/Gloss Appointment


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