Here's Why Acidic Bonding Concentrate is Redken's #1 Retail Range
Here's Why Acidic Bonding Concentrate is Redken's #1 Retail Range

In just two years, the Acidic Bonding Concentrate collection has skyrocketed to the top of the heap, outselling all of the other admitedly excellent Redken retail lines. And within the Acidic Bonding Concentrate collection the standout, hands down, is the ABC Leave-In Treatment. The reviews are ecstatic: “What an amazing product!” “I love this stuff.” “Highly recommend!” If Redken Acidic Bonding Concentrate Leave-In Treatment isn’t yet on your radar, here’s what you need to know.

Strength Repair in One Use*

Time is of the essence when it comes to damaged hair, and Acidic Bonding Concentrate Leave-In Treatment is as speedy as it gets. After one application, stylists see hair become 10x smoother** with 88 percent less visible split ends.*** It works for every hair type—fine, fragile, textured, you name it. Bottom line? The Leave-In, used with the rest of the system—Acidic Bonding Concentrate Intensive Treatment, Shampoo and Conditioner—combats one year of visible damage in one use.* It also detangles, strenghtens and repairs the hair, leaving it soft and manageable, while providing heat protection up to 450 degrees.*


A post shared by Cutler Salon (@cutlersalon)

In a tutorial for Byrdie, Cutler used Redken Acidic Bonding Concentrate Leave-In to ensure his model’s heavily-lightened hair was up to the task.

Cutler Salons' Newest Hit

At the Cutler Salons in New York and Los Angeles, Acidic Bonding Concentrate Leave-In Treatment has been in heavy rotation for two years and by now, more than 30 percent of clients use it regularly. “The hair looks and feels softer and healthier than it does prior to using the ABC Leave-In Treatment, especially when it's used with the whole system,” says owner Rodney Cutler. “What we love about the product is that it visibly nourishes the hair and helps reduce flyaways. Not only is it a great leave-in product, it's also light enough to use as a blow dry cream. We have had incredible success introducing it to clients. I think one of the things they really love is that there is now a product they can use to repair their hair and also style it at the same time.”

The Cutler stylists especially appreciate the versatility of the product. “It works no matter the hair type,” says Cutler. “It’s a game changer. For example, highly damaged hair not only needs strength put back into it, it also needs moisture. The fact that this product can add both strength and moisture to the hair and still be safe enough for fine, fragile textures, is amazing.” 

Another advantage is color longevity. “We love using the leave-in with our Redken Shades EQ services,” notes Cutler. “After the color processes, we rinse and then apply the leave-in treatment to lock in the color. We use this as an express service and our clients love it.”

With results like this, imagine the retail potential of this item. Once clients experience the results, notes Cutler, ABC Leave-In becomes a take-home sure thing. “We simply use it during the service,” he says, “and they usually decide they like it enough to purchase a tube to use at home.” 

As the final step in the best-selling Redken Acidic Bonding Concentrate system, the Leave-In...

As the final step in the best-selling Redken Acidic Bonding Concentrate system, the Leave-In Treatment provides ongoing repair.

The Chemistry of Acidic Bonding

The main ingredient in Acidic Bonding Concentrate is citric acid, plus it contains a concentrated bonding care complex that reinforces weakened bonds within the hair to improve hair strength. It’s also specifically formulated with an acidic pH to protect hair against the negative effects of hair color, thermal tools, and even water.  What that means is hair gets a triple dose of TLC in the forms of repair, strengthening and protection from further damage.

Stylists like Cutler and his team are excited to be able to transform their clients’ hair instantly with Redken Acidic Bonding Concentrate and after two years, Acidic Bonding Concentrate Leave-In Treatment has emerged as an MVP. Learn more about this winning formula.

*vs. non-conditioning shampoo
**with continued use
***based on consumer test results
****System of Acidic Bonding Concentrate Intensive Treatment, Shampoo, Conditioner, and Leave-In vs. undamaged hair

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